Can God Make a Rock so Big…?
Can God Make a Rock so Big…? I remember when I first had this question brought to my attention. I was sitting in a coffee shop a block from my college campus. I had just talked with my roommate who had just wrecked on his bicycle going to meet a girl and his face looked like he had just lost a fight with a bear (apparently his face absorbed most of the impact generated by his flailing body). My friend Sean put the question out there, “Can God make a rock so big that he cannot lift it?” I felt a lot like my friend’s face looked, the mass and gravity of the question registered with me. I had just finished my first philosophy class and all I could muster at the time was, “Can a car be too fast, can you have too much fun, or can a girl be too pretty?” My distraction highlighted the contradiction apparent in the question, but this was not a satisfactory answer in my mind. I logged the question for another day. Philosophers an...