
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Hypostatic Union: The Divinity of Christ

The Hypostatic Union: The Divinity of Christ Jesus is commonly referred to as the God-man due to the fact that He is fully God and fully man in one person.   Origen (AD 184-253) of Alexandria was the first one to coin the term “God-man” to describe this hypostatic union of Jesus’s two natures. [1]   Jesus being divine and human is a first-order theological issue that is interrelated with other crucial biblical assertions (atonement, worship, Trinity, etc.). The aim of this post is to provide biblical evidence that Jesus was fully God and argue the necessity of His divinity. This conversation will raise other important questions regarding Christology, but are beyond the scope of this post. Jesus’s deity and His actions (statements, miracles, etc.) are intrinsically intertwined. Jesus made many claims concerning His deity without overtly claiming, “I am God.” [2]   If one follows these assertions made by Jesus concerning His identity, then the logical out...