
Showing posts from June, 2020

Was Matthias the right man for the job?

Was Matthias the right man for the job? Matthias was an apostle chosen to fill Judas’ vacant position as one of the Twelve. Matthias’ appointment as an apostle is notable due to the fact that Jesus did not appoint him. Some find Matthias’ appointment to the office of apostle to be questionable. The argument is sometimes stated as follows: 1.       Jesus directed the apostles to wait for the Holy Spirit. 2.       Lots were cast or used in the OT to discern the will of God. 3.       The Holy Spirit now guides the believer in making decisions.   4.       Lots were never used again in the Bible after Matthias was appointed as an Apostle. 5.       Matthias was never mentioned again in the Bible after his appointment -           Therefore, Matthias being appointed as an apostle is questionable. To be fair...