Understanding Time in the Bible
Understanding Time in the Bible: When reading the Bible one should be cautious of reading their context into the Scriptures. For example, John says that Jesus went “up to Jerusalem” (John 2:13) from Capernaum (John 2:12). If one superimposes our linguistic nuances into the text, one might believe that Jesus went north from Capernaum. When in fact Capernaum is North of Jerusalem on the Sea of Galilee and Jesus traveled south to Jerusalem. Jesus physically went up because Jerusalem is at higher elevation than Galilee. [1] There are several key hurdles that can separate us from the biblical text: language, culture, geography, and time (these are generalized categories). One must first understand the actual context of the text before accurately applying it to life. One of these areas that might confuse the modern reader is regarding the concept of time in the Bible. John 1:39 states, “So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with ...