
Showing posts from October, 2022

An Argument for Church Planting

An Argument for Church Planting:   Biblical Justification             The Great Commission presented by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20 is generally regarded as the motivational track for evangelism, but it should also be linked with a passion for church planting. Evangelism must be tied into making "disciples," "baptizing them," and "teaching them to observe" God's Word (Mat. 28:18-20). The pattern laid out in the book of Acts is that after people came to faith in Christ, they were baptized, devoted themselves to the "apostles' teaching," "fellowship," "breaking of bread," and "prayers" (Acts 2:41-42). This New Testament pattern for believers assumes that new believers will join a local body of believers and commit themselves to "fellowship" (Acts 2:42; Heb. 10:25). The book of Acts primarily records the missionary journeys of Peter and Paul. After the Apostles left a community of believers, a church...

Update: Interim Launch Team Members?

Quick Update: In September, Juli and I attended a church planting assessment with Send SBTC. It was our second church planting assessment, and we left the assessment encouraged (and excited for the journey ahead).  We received a recommendation to plant from Send SBTC. Our launch team/life group has also begun meeting. Please pray for us as we begin to engage the community evangelistically, expand our team by inviting others to join us, and enrich relationships on the launch team. We are also talking over church names and could use some prayer. Two of my brothers from the HCPN (Houston Church Planting Network) launched their respective churches. I got to attend both church launches, which encouraged and blessed us.  Fr. Jon Beadle is the pastor at All Saints in Conroe, TX. All Saints is an Anglican church. Our Anglican brothers have produced some great Gospel-centered thinkers like C.S. Lewis, J.I. Packer, and J.C. Ryle.  https://www.allsaintsconroe. com/ Pastor Raph Peter...