Church Planting Update
We are shifting to Magnolia, TX! One of my favorite books is Pilgrim's Progress. They say that Charles Spurgeon read it over 100 times and I think that is reflected in his devotional "Morning and Evening." In Pilgrim's Progress, the main character, Christian is on a journey to the Celestial City and he has to navigate through unknown terrain. Christian's journey in the book is a powerful metaphor for the Christian life. Similarly, church planters often refer to church planting as a journey. There is a process where this team of people who are committed to starting a church, learn to trust the Lord, respond to His direction, and develop the courage to act. In our journey toward planting, the Lord put some new terrain features in our path. We felt it was prudent to assess our plan for planting in Cypress. We realized that although we were meeting in Cypress we had no committed full-time core team members in Cypress (despite evangelism and recruiting). As we began ...