Church Planting Update

We are shifting to Magnolia, TX! 

One of my favorite books is Pilgrim's Progress. They say that Charles Spurgeon read it over 100 times and I think that is reflected in his devotional "Morning and Evening." In Pilgrim's Progress, the main character, Christian is on a journey to the Celestial City and he has to navigate through unknown terrain. Christian's journey in the book is a powerful metaphor for the Christian life. Similarly, church planters often refer to church planting as a journey. There is a process where this team of people who are committed to starting a church, learn to trust the Lord, respond to His direction, and develop the courage to act. 

In our journey toward planting, the Lord put some new terrain features in our path. We felt it was prudent to assess our plan for planting in Cypress. We realized that although we were meeting in Cypress we had no committed full-time core team members in Cypress (despite evangelism and recruiting). As we began to pray and drive around the surrounding cities. We began to feel called to plant in Magnolia, TX (just 10-15 minutes North). The Lord gave us a heart for the people in Magnolia. 

SH 249, or the “Aggie Expressway,” has created a corridor bringing people to Magnolia due to the shorter drive times from Houston. Major corporations are moving into the area. Magnolia has lower property taxes than Harris County and most people can afford a larger home for their money. There are good schools in the district and there is a small-town feel to Magnolia. Magnolia is experiencing a lot of growth and there are multiple large master-planned communities being built near 1488 and SH 249. Magnolia is in southwest Montgomery County which is nationally ranked as 7th in growth among U.S. counties. 

After talking with a diverse group of people from Magnolia about it’s spiritual landscape, it seems that a good portion of people in Magnolia drive to local churches in different communities (Montgomery, Cypress, and Tomball). It’s also easy to strike up conversations with neighbors in Magnolia because most are new to the area and are just beginning the process of making new friends. When people first move into a new area we believe they are also more likely to try church for the first time or try to find a new church. What is most important is that after a time of prayer, seeking wise counsel: we feel called to plant in Magnolia. We have a heart for the people in Magnolia. What has also been encouraging is that we have several families on the launch team who already reside in Magnolia and have ties to the community there. God has also already been working through those families. Please, pray for us as we make a shift to Magnolia and try to reach the lost in Magnolia. 

If this work pulls at your heart, there are four ways to get involved in our church plant: 1) Prayer, 2) Financial Support, 3) Joining the Launch Team as an interim member, and 4) Becoming a Launch Team Member. 

Please pray for this Kingdom work, consider financially supporting this work, and joining in this work.


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